Empowering businesses with AI and machine learning
In the past year, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has taken the world by storm, largely due to the wide popularity of ChatGPT. Now, AI technologies are revolutionising industries by offering innovative solutions to long-standing challenges.
This development is evident in the recent survey published by the Confederation of Finnish Industries (Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto, EK). The majority of the surveyed 454 companies recognize AI and machine learning as significant growth drivers for business. 45% of the surveyed companies currently employ AI, and the common applications include data analysis, customer service improvement, and sales & marketing development.
The potential of AI in process optimization, cost savings, and quality improvement is recognized by nearly 80% of respondents, with its competitive advantage growing with company size. The survey also notes that digital skills are currently at a sufficient level, but the need for additional expertise, especially in understanding AI and leveraging data for business development, is expected to grow in the coming years.
Generative AI Use Cases
To dig deeper into the ways AI can be used to grow business, here are some real-life AI use cases.
Source: Generative AI working paper by Futurice