Invoicing Address
Vuono Group has moved to using electronic invoicing only. Should you not have the opportunity to use electronic invoicing, you can also send your invoice to our scanning services.
We do not accept invoices sent to our head office or other offices.
Our invoicing details are:
Vuono Group Oy
Company VAT ID: FI32112162
How to send e-Invoices?
e-Invoice Address: 003732112162
e-Invoice Operator ID: Maventa (00372191126)
(*If your e-Invoice service provider does not recognise Maventa Operator as an e-Invoice Operator, please in these cases use Operator ID: DAFIHH)
How to send email invoices?
All email invoices should be send in PDF attachment (max. 5MB/file) to address:
NOTE! All email invoices should have following address information included in the invoice pdf:
Vuono Group Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan
If the invoice contains and attachment, this should be included in the same PDF file as the invoice.
All other material than invoices and their attachments are not processed via this email address.
How to send paper invoices?
Paper invoices can be sent to the following address. Both the invoice and the envelope needs to include the following address:
Vuono Group Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan