Matleena Wilenius joins Vuono Group

Matleena Wilenius joins Vuono Group as an HR Coordinator.

We are delighted to have Matleena in our team – a colleague with a huge heart and a unique blend of experience and skills!

When asked what she loves the most about her work, Matleena's answer is clear: the people. Building relationships and fostering a positive work environment are her top priorities.

“I like to make people feel seen and heard. I like to organise and do all the meta work; in that regard, I see myself as an enabler. I do the groundwork for others so they can build their masterpieces,” Matleena says enthusiastically.

Matleena has a master's degree in Education and experience as a classroom teacher. She has also ventured into the world of banking and finance, working in both B2B and B2C sectors. Most recently, she graduated as an HR coordinator, bringing a fresh perspective and eagerness to learn more about the field.

“Having people from various backgrounds come together at Vuono Group is truly an advantage. And Matleena is a great example of this. She is empathetic, diplomatic and good at building relationships with coworkers. These make her easily approachable and exceptional in conflict resolution,” says Teemu Moisala, Founder at Vuono Group.

And what drew Matleena to Vuono Group? The emphasis on flexibility and empowering employees to succeed resonated strongly with her. She thrives in an environment where everyone takes ownership and supports each other's growth.

When Matleena isn't working her magic in HR, she enjoys unwinding with creative handicrafts like renovations and knitting. One might say she embraces a "learn-by-doing" approach, both in her hobbies and her work. She also finds companionship in her adorable cockapoo, Lulu.

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