Fastroi has selected Vuono Group as their development partner

Fastroi Ltd ( is a leading Care Management Software provider specialising in real-time data collection solutions for managers and care workers. Their products can enhance work by reducing the time needed for routine tasks, allowing more time to be spent on more important ones. The company’s products represent the cutting edge in health and social Care Management Software, and have been developed using the staff’s extensive experience in open-source wireless technology.

Fastroi has selected Vuono Group as their mobile software development partner to help build their mobile solutions for care management.

“We are extremely happy to work with Vuono Group.”

“Vuono Group’s development team has enabled us to scale our own development capabilities rapidly and enabled us to build and ship our care management solutions faster. We are extremely happy to work with Vuono Group,” says Fastroi’s Product Director Mervi Hyvärinen-Saarelainen.

“We’re delighted to work with a product development team as professional as Fastroi’s. We are able to help them with our experience in mobile ERP development, but this is also an opportunity for us to learn from Fastroi’s development team practices and about the care management domain”, comments Vuono Group’s Principal Consultant Ali Rantakari.

Vuono Group

We Specialise in Digital Process Development


Vuono Group featured in Finland’s top business newspaper Kauppalehti


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