Vuono Group featured in Finland’s top business newspaper Kauppalehti

Vuono Group was featured in Finland’s number one business newspaper Kauppalehti.

The leading Finnish business newspaper Kauppalehti highlighted Vuono Group’s holistic approach to understanding and developing business processes. This includes using tools and methods to map the processes, understand what processes make sense to develop, and using a wide modern toolkit from RPA to AI and microservices to actually drive process transformations.

Managing Partner Teemu Moisala, and CEO Ari Kronholm in the Kauppalehti Feature about Vuono Group

Kauppalehti also notes the diverse background of the founding team, as well as approach to drive change with strong focus on business benefits instead of ‘coolest’ technology choices.

The feature was also in the Kauppalehti’s paper version, which can be found below.

Vuono Group

We Specialise in Digital Process Development


Teemu Moisala joins Vuono Group


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